WSCS Educational Foundation

WSCS Educational Foundation

From one generation to the next

From one generation to the next

The Educational Foundation exists to keep quality, Christian education affordable and accessible to as many families as possible. This is accomplished through an annual tuition reduction contribution generated through fundraising and investment activities.

The West Side Christian School Educational Foundation was established in 1977, by a group of men who strongly believed in providing stable financial support to West Side Christian School. The initial gift was in the amount of $3,000.

“For the 2023-2024 academic year, the Foundation’s contribution of $180,000 will reduce tuition by ~$530 per student.”

“For the 2023-2024 academic year, the Foundation’s contribution of $180,000 will reduce tuition by ~$530 per student.”

See graph for more details.


The Educational Foundation’s primary goal is to grow its endowment in order to increase the amount of tuition offset possible every year. Currently, the Foundation manages ~$4MM with a goal of increasing our assets to $10MM.

To reach this goal, we rely on the generosity of the West Side community through charitable donations to the Foundation. Each year, we try to raise enough funds to cover our annual tuition contribution (~5% of endowment value) while adding any remaining dollars to our investment fund.


Donations to the Foundation have a direct impact on the growth and continuity of West Side Christian School. We ask you to consider blessing future West Side students and families through a Foundation contribution in one of these forms:

Ways to Give

  • One-time or recurring donation
  • Gifts in will
  • Memorial gifts
  • Non-cash gifts
  • Sponsor or participate in foundation events 

Contact Dale Burghgraef to get started. 

WSCS Education Foundation Board of Trustees:

Keith Van Wienen 2028 – President

Renz Verbeek – 2024 – Vice President

Dennis Bergsma – 2024 Treasurer

Kurt Staal – 2026 – Secretary

Jim Becher –  2027

Jeff Blahnik – 2025

Josh DeYoung – 2029

Vern Groenendyk – 2024

Jill Helms – 2028