Educational Support Services (ESS)

Educational Support Services (ESS)

West Side Christian School

Educational Support Services

The Educational Support Services Program acknowledges the variety of learning differences in our student body. In partnership with general education teachers, ESS Staff provides a variety of programs to meet the unique learning needs and challenges of God’s children.

For more information regarding the services we provide, please schedule a visit and indicate that you would like to meet with our ESS director, Mikaela Geers

The staff at West Side Christian School

  • recognizes God’s image in everyone around us.
  • sees the beauty of God’s diversity.
  • is committed to providing the best education for every student.
  • believes that West Side Christian School can include all students of the covenant community whose parents choose a  Christian education for their child.
  • believes that God intends us to live together as an integrated body of believers (1 Corinthians 12).

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