Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Want to Help Out?
Want to Help Out?
We need you! You are a vital part of our community. Each year WSCS families choose the areas in which they would like to serve at school. The service opportunity sign ups are all done online. The WSCS PTA point system allows the PTA to help school meets its financial needs and offer amazing programs and events for students and families.
By volunteering your time, you are lowering the cost of your child’s tuition. Our school depends on PTA funds. The PTA raises money for technology upgrades, library books, theme verse t-shirts, Lego Robotics, Odyssey of the Mind, classroom needs and much more!
We need volunteers! Once you find a volunteer opportunity that will fit your schedule, just fill out your information. Every family must sign up for 20 volunteer points. (Single parent families will only be required to fulfill 10 volunteer points.) Each point (1) is equivalent to $10. If you choose not to volunteer as a family, you will be billed $200 or $100 respectively.
Recognizing that every student is a gift from God, the mission of the West Side Christian PTA is to complement our curriculum; enhance and enrich the education of students; and to support our staff and community.
What are these funds used for?
- Classroom Teacher Allowances
- Technology
- Library Books
- Extracurricular Activities: Odyssey of the Mind & Lego Robotics
- Middle School Fall Retreat
If you are interested in getting more involved with school and building new relationships with the West Side Christian family, contact your PTA (embed [email protected]).
Thank you for serving,
Sign up for your service points !

2023-2024 PTA Events