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Our sixth graders have been interpreting some wise Chinese sayings from Confucious and Laozi. To go along with the theme, we asked them to create their own quotes or words of advice in this current time of uncertainty and fear due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These students are wise beyond their years!

Working together we are stronger than working apart – G.A.

Cleanse phalanges after you do anything remotely germ-y. – J.M.

Don’t freak out. God is in control. If you get scared it is worse. So pray and give it all to God, the one who made you. – K.B.

He who gives love gets it back. – M.E.

Praying is better then freaking out and buying toilet paper. – K.B

In the quietness of these days, spend more time with family and take a break from screens. – O.T.

We do not know what each day will bring to us, but we can trust in the one true God. – F.A.

Enjoy times that are hard, take that time to evolve. – C.B.

Don’t focus on the future too much or you’ll miss the present. – A.D.

Tell God all your fears. – A.S.