Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year is now open. Learn more by CLICKING HERE.
WSCS is a preschool-8th grade Christian school in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Our mission is to provide a quality Christ-centered education to all of our students. Learn more here!
About WSCS
We are pleased you are considering WSCS for your family’s education. Let us help guide you through the application process, and answer any questions you might have!
Admissions Overview
Our educational faculty are dedicated to instructing our students in the light of the Bible. Learn what it looks like to see a Christian emphasis threaded through our entire curriculum.
Academics at WSCS
Why do we emphasize learning outside of the traditional classroom? We believe all students should be enabled and encouraged to use their God-given talents to serve the God they love!
Student Life Overview
There are so many ways that you can support our school! Learn more about upcoming opportunities and fundraisers here:
How to support WSCS
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